
Turkey is officially referred to as the republic of Turkey. It can be described as a transcontinental country that mostly lies in Anatolia, western Asia and east Thrace that is on Europe. It is a country that is bordered by eight other countries. It is a country that has been inhabited for a long period of time with a variety of occupants inhabiting the area for years. The fact that the country is at a crossroad of Europe and Asia makes it a very significant country especially in geostrategic aspects.

The country is democratic, unitary, secular and a very constitutional republic that has a very diverse kind of heritage. The main language is Turkish. When we think of the region in terms of tourism, there are many great areas that we can look at. Turkey tours have become so popular among different tourists from different parts of the globe. There are many places that one can be able to try out so as to make the most of the holiday experience.

Istanbul stands out as one of the biggest cities in Turkey and it is also one of the most visited. Istanbul tours are quite popular and many people travel to Turkey so as to actually get to witness the various aspects of the city.  Istanbul sightseeing escapades help a person to truly appreciate the country. However, if you want an appreciation of history as well as religion and unbeatable landscapes, then Ephesus and Cappadocia are your best bet into getting the most out of your holiday in the area.

Visiting Cappadocia and Ephesus

It is not for no reason that Turkey guided tours has become so popular over the years. There are many areas that one can be toured and as noted earlier, some of the best are Cappadocia and Ephesus.

  • Cappadocia- it is a region that is situated within Turkey and it is one of the places where you can expect some of the most unbelievable landscapes that will actually leave you dazed. It is in the highland areas and the landscape is rather moonlike. There are also fairy chimneys that are rather notable in this region. Here, you can be able to find things such as underground cities that are a must explore as well as cave churches. There are also some of the most spectacular houses that are carved in stone giving some of the most unbeatable sights in the region. It is one of the most popular destinations that you can visit and you can expect a whole new experience while in the region.
  • Ephesus- this is a city that is located on the east coast. Here you find some of the most well preserved ruins dating from the roman reign. This is one of the places where you can be able to find some of the most amazing attractions that are ancient in nature. There are some of the greatest ancient wonders and the city can actually be explored in only a few hours. It is a place that is best explored on foot. You are guaranteed of a splendid time in Ephesus and most especially if you love history and religion.

The thing that makes Cappadocia and Ephesus such popular location is the fact that they are easily accessible. You can be able to make the most out of your tour by ensuring that you utilize the different means of transportation that have been set up in the different places. Most of the time, getting in is not an issue since there are airports as well as rail and road networks that are fully functional.

Things to see and do in Cappadocia and Ephesus

  • Ephesus:

It is very important to know the things that one should look out for when trying to settle for the best destination in Turkey. The truth is that there are so many options that one can be able to think of but with Ephesus and Cappadocia, it is rather easy to decide on the prime areas. Ephesus is not a very huge place and you can be able to make thorough explorations even in daily sightseeing tours. Make sure you visit areas such as Celsus library which was a dedication to Celsus built using his own wealth and his burial ground lies beneath. The building faces the east, a thing that was aimed at utilizing the morning light as the sun came up.

Another great place is a temple called Artemis. It forms parts of seven wonders under the ancient world. There is an inconspicuous column that was discovered during excavations. There are some finds that have been transferred to other regions over the years. Other parts are the Odeon, Hadrian temple, the Domitian temple as well as the tomb of pollio.

  • Cappadocia:

In Cappadocia, there are quite many things as well as areas that can be visited while on a Turkey guided tour. they include Nevsehir which is actually the main province in the region, Urgup which stands as the largest town on Cappadocia, Goreme where there are cave houses that have some fairy chimneys, Mustafapasa which is a Greek village, ortahisar which is a small village popular for the castle on the rocks well as the pottery town of Avanos where the longest Turkish river flows. The Ihlara valley is yet another great place not to be missed. There are rock churches that should be explored.

Getting guided tours in Cappadocia and Ephesus

Turkey package tours and Turkey guided tours are a very good idea especially for persons who are visiting the country for the first time. This is because guides are a very great addition to the tour since they can be able to actually advice you on the places to visit as well as the activities that you may enjoy in the region. From Cappadocia, Istanbul is only some 12 hours away and it takes less time if you are to travel by plane since it is the most efficient and reliable means of transportation in the area. You can find an Istanbul tour operator quite easily. Make sure that the operator is conversant with the areas that interest you. Turkey tour operators are quite many and finding one that can be able to cover Cappadocia and Ephesus should not be a problem. Always make sure that you get only the best so as to cover most ground in regions so spectacular.

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