Privacy Policy

Sparkling Travel is committed to your safety and protecting your privacy at all times. The technology that we use will enable us to make your online experience one that is safe. This privacy statement applies to Sparkling Travels website and all data that is collected and its usage.

Your personal information and how it is collected

Sparkling Travel collects information which is identifiable and personal, such as email addresses, work or home address, telephone numbers. Sparkling Travel also collects information that is demographical but anonymous, it is unique to you, this will include, age, gender, postcode, interests, favourites and preferences too.Information about your computer and its hardware is also collected and the software that you use, this is also collected by Sparkling Travel. This info your domain name, IP address, browser, times of access, web sites that are referred and their addresses. All of this information is used by Sparkling Travel for their company operation and the service, this is all about maintaining a service that is of good quality, it also provides Sparkling Travel with general statistics regarding the use of their website.

Sparkling Travel give a great confidence to you to look at all the privacy statements of any of the websites that you choose to link any of the websites so you can easily comprehend how the reliable websites bring together, utilize and then share your info. Sparkling Travel does not take any responsibility for statements of privacy or other content that is outside the Sparkling Travel website or any of the other websites that are connected to Sparkling Travel, in any way shape or form.

Your personal information and how it is used

Your personal information is taken and used by Sparkling Travel so they can operate their website and deliver services that you the customer have requested. They also use your identifiable personal information to let you the customer knows about any other products that are available from them or other affiliates. You; the customer may also be contacted in regards to survey, conduct research and find out concerning your views on Sparkling Travels services and any prospective innovative  services that may become available.

Sparkling Travel does not give out any of its customer’s information, to third parties. Sparkling Travel may get in contact with you from time to time on behalf of other business partners who are external, but they will only offer things that are of interest to you the customer. In many cases none of the customers’ information is ever given to third parties.

Unless Sparkling Travel shares its data with trusted partners, you the customer will never have your information give out to third parties and they are prohibited to use it. The customers’ information is used for statistical analysis, and for customer support. Other information that Sparkling Travel does not disclose is race, political views, religion without you the customers’ explicit consent

All the websites that you, the customer uses; are kept an eye on and tracked. This determines which of the Sparkling Travel services are deemed to be popular. Data is collected and used for advertising which is customized.

Sparkling Travel websites will disclose your personal info with no notice, and if they are required by law to perform so, or if the action is seen as necessary. It may be that such information is needed

  • To protect the property and rights of Sparkling Travel
  • To protect individual wellbeing of Sparkling Travel users
  • Or to comply with the law or legal process.

Make Use Of The Cookies

These will help you personalize your experience when online. Cookies are files of text that are put on your hard disk with the help of a web page server. The cookies neither run programs nor do they convey viruses to the computer. These cookies are always only one of their kinds as well as assigned to one person only. Such cookies could only be read by the same domain and web server that actually issued the cookie to a particular person.

Cookies are no doubt, an easy attribute to avoid wastage of your time. Truly, the cookie tells the exact web server that you have previously revisited. So, every time you go onto the Sparkling website or register with them, the cookie will tell Sparkling to recall your specific information on other visits. Recording your personal information is simplified and information such as addresses, shipping addresses and other things are retained. You can either accept or decline the cookies. However, the most computers will accept them anyway. If you do decline the cookies then perhaps, you might not be in the position to use all of the features that Sparkling Travel has to offer.

Personal information

All of the personal info of our users will be secured form unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Any information that is provided by you on the Sparkling Travel website is kept in a safe and sound setting and is always protected. Credit card information such as your long card number will not be transmitted, as the use of SSL uses an encryption protocol.

Statement change

Sparkling Travel will review this Statement of Privacy form time to time and it will reflect customer feedback. Sparkling Travel also encourages you to review this statement from time to time so your information is protected.

Contact information

If you feel that Sparkling Travel has not adhered to this statement then please contact them they will make every effort to sort out the problem.




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