Turkish delight – a unique recipe of success

Everybody knows about Turkey’s popularity, especially amongst tourists from all over the world. It is a country situated on two continents and surrounded by three Seas and it is mainly popular for its history, culture and, of course, unique cuisine. People who want to spend their holidays in Turkey can simply do this by choosing the Turkey tour operatorthey like and select the Turkey package toursthat best fit their idea of a perfect holiday. If they wish to spend more time in Istanbul, which is one of the most important cities of Turkey, they can simply opt for Istanbul package toursinstead of Turkey package which only provide daily Istanbul tours.

            Turkey is popular from many points of view, such as its history or culture, but the thing that no one really thinks about is Turkey’s cuisine, which is popular for its large variety of used ingredients and for its combination of styles from many cultures and civilizations. There are many types of food from Turkish cuisine that are also known around the world. And one of the recipes that have crossed the borders of Turkey and spread through the world is for Turkish delight. Although not many people know, this is a specific sweet for Turkey and other countries that today use it only took the recipe from the original country of origin.

            Turkish delight, or Lokum on its original name, is a family of confections based on a gel of starch and sugar. Premium varieties consist largely of chopped dates, pistachios, and hazelnuts or walnuts bound by the gel. The traditional varieties of Turkish delight are mostly gel, generally flavored with rosewater, mastic, Bergamot orange, or lemon. There are also other types of Turkish delight, which include flavors as cinnamon and mint. Regarding the aspect, the Turkish delight is usually packaged and eaten in small cubes dusted with icing sugar, copra, or powdered cream of Tartar which help prevent clinging. In the last years, Turkish delight has become popular in other countries as well, as it is a very good and amazing dessert. It can be eaten in its original form or you can also find recipes for different desserts that use Turkish delight in their composition.Even if you choose daily sightseeing tours through Turkey or Istanbul, you will be able to sample the Turkish delight in its original country, so made by its original recipe. And besides the Turkish delight, there are plenty of other things you might want to try in Turkey, such as for example kebab, which is also popular in other countries as well, pita, and baklava – a wonderful, amazing dessert that will make you wish to eat it every day.

            So if you want to have the most wonderful holidays, from all points of view, you could try to opt for a turquoise tourto Turkey, where you have the great chance of getting a bit of history, cultural traditions and cuisine wonders that you could never experience in any other country at the levels you can here. Be sure you take a break from visiting important monuments and buildings to take lunch or dinner in any traditional Turkish restaurant, where you will sample the unique dishes that constitute the Turkish cuisine. You could opt for Turkey guided tours, which will best help you have the holidays of your dreams by showing you the most important and representative places in Turkey, some of them very popular, while others known only by locals. Wherever you choose to have your holidays in Turkey, you will get a wonderful life experience that will let you nice memories for future.

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