Discover Turkish Literature on Your Turkey Tours

When you are on holidays in Turkey, there are so many different forms of culture, tradition and religion that present many different and beautiful Turkish faces. Turkish literature is just one of them, probably not as known or famous as other parts of Turkish culture, history and tradition. It will definitely be a good idea that while you are resting from interesting sightseeing on numerous historic sites, you get a Turkish novel and get introduced to talent of Turkish writers.


Rich modern Turkish literature was born in Turkey at a same time when a Republic did, in 1923. During Ottoman empire literature was mostly poetry-court divan-literature, and political papers and skilful travel essays. With fall of Ottoman empire and with growing European orientation, new narrative forms came into Turkish literature. This is spirit which was expressed in literature of Ahmet Midhat Efendi, one of founders of Turkish novelism, the spirt in which he wrote his novels. But it is believed that modern Turkish literature has been founded after radical linguistic reform in 1928, when Ataturk replaced Arabian alphabet with latinic and “cleaned” Turkish language from Arabian and Persian influence.

This is probably one of important reasons why “Literature of the Republic” has such an important, even sacred enlightening meaning for kemalists and why they defend it so fiercly these days. During 20th century, Turkish literature went through nationalistic and republic era, developing as socially engaged, realistic literature. Novels and short stories often elaborate on social topics: change of social structure and location of individual within it, and very often, life of lower class, both in urban and particularly in rural areas. Up until 1980s, in Turkish literature was dominant so called novel of the village, whose most important representative was Yaşar Kemal (born in 1923), one-eye bard born in southeast Anadolya and long-time Turkish candidate for Nobel Prize. In his novels he portrayed life of peasants and nomads who adapt to new world. He used epic and almost mythic style and gave vivid picture of life on village and development of multinational and multilinguistic Ottoman empire to new and one, but not nationally unique Turkish state.

Two today highly valued writers from that period remained on margins of that main, socially-realistic course: those were Ahmed Hamdi Tanpinar (1902-1962) and Oğuz Atay (1934-1977). Tanpinar is early representative of urbane literature, erudite with poetic gift that analysed process of modernization of Republic in his novels and essays. As well as destiny of Ottoman empire remains. On the other side, Atay was rebel and used his own language to create unique content of his novels and stories that are generally devoted to individuals incapable to adjust to life in big urban centers. Both of these writers became famous after their death.

It was somewhat like a tradition that Turkish writers somehow rejected possibility to be read outside Turkey. It seems like they almost tried to be less famous: although they wrote texts that could almost always be understood to people other then their nationals, they didn’t want or knew how to make their novels more “simple” for Western readers. Often thrilled with communism, they wrote their novels in jails that were in that era filled with poets, writers, painters and script writers, making jails into real artistic centers. Writers who have hard time to separate from their political ideals were: Nazım Hikmet Ran (1901-1963), greates Turkish poet who died in exile in Moscow. With name of Yaşar Kemal is related an anecdote according to which he cursed agent of CIA who proposed to him that, if he want to become famous in USA, he should step out of Turkish Labor party that he passionately supported.


Orhan Pamuk became internationally famous after he win Nobel Prize for literature. First Pamuk’s novel published in English was The White Castle which was his thirdin Turkish language.

Most famous Pamuk’s novel “My name is Red” has been written in 1998, and was published only in Turkey in 23 editions, in 200.000 copies. Until now it has been translated on 25 languages.  Story of the novel is a historic, about life and art of ottoman artists of miniature in late 16th century. Action in novel is happening during 9 winter, snowy days in 1591 in Istambul. Sultan Mehmed III secretly orders creation of one magnificent book, and wants that this book, in celebration of his life and empire, is illuminated by greatest artists of this time-but in an European style. In time of aggressive fundamentalism this is dangerous request, insult for islam. Therefore, respected artists working on the book are not allowed to know for whom they are creating book, to protect the sultan’s safety. When one of miniaturists goes missing and they start to be afraid that he was killed, his master has to ask for outside help, while trying to find out if killed artist was victim of professional rivalry, romantic jealousy or religious terror.

Pamuk’s fourth novel, The black book, has been written in 1990, and thanks to its complexity, richness and quality of expression, is believed to be one of most controversial, but also most popular novels of modern Turkish literature.


Another famous Turkish writer, female one  that created in Pamuk time is  Latife Tekin. In1983she published a novel ‘Dear Shameless Death’ that is probably her most famous book. This fantastic novel is concentrated on writer’s hometown of Kayseri in Anatolya, which is an excellent site for sightseeing tours around Anatolya.

Pamuk’s Nobel Prize evoked greater interest for Turkish literature all around the world. This is when finally opportunity showed to present lesser known Turkish classic literature master pieces to foreign readers.

Ece Temelkuran is one of younger Turkish writers, female very active in fight for female and minority rights. She is also interesting because of her often travels over Asia Minor, which is one of often topics in her novels.

Murat Uyurkulak is one of the strongest writers of younger generation, who from recently has often been translated to other world languages. His novel: Tol: A revenge novel has been published in 2002 and instantly made him a very strong voice in Turkish contemporary literature.

Emrah Serbes is another of writers of younger generation, particularly known for crime novels. He is also famous for being script writer of crime series “Behzat C:” that is currently very popular in Turkey.

These younger writers have not been so often translated until now.

Another writer that definitely should be mentioned is Ayfer Tunc, female writer in line with Tanpinar. She got numerous prizes in Turkey for her writing. Nedim Gursel’s books have been translated to more then 20 languages, and for novel “Allah’s daughters” he was convicted for insulting islam.

Edge Temelkuran is journalist and winner of Saharov prize, who this year had huge success with novel Agri’nin derinligi. In this book she pictured new analisis of jermen-turkish relationship, that is one of most sensitive topics in Turkish politics and history.

While on Turkey tour, make sure to stop by book store and ask for any of these talented Turkish writers, that will bring you Turkish culture more closer. You will surely not regret buying any of these amazing artworks.

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