Holiday is one of the best times in which one can be able to bond with the family and when this is the case, there is a need to be very keen on the destination choice. With so many attractions in the world today, when it comes to family holidays, there are many places that you can settle to visit so as to get a wide range of experiences in whichever duration of time that you have available. Holidays that involve children are actually some of the most sensitive owing to the special nature of the young ones. You need to make the holiday something that they can be able to relate to and also something that they will be able to remember throughout their lives.

There are areas that are too friendly for children and you should be keen with the choice. The interests of the children may be different from the interests of the grownups and of both are within your party, you need to find where the needs converge. Make sure you cater for the needs of all the age groups that are within your party.


It is one of the cities that lie within Turkey and is by far the most popular. There are many things that make this destination one of the best for holidays and you should be able to have a splendid time with the kids. Istanbul holidays are always something to look forward to and this is due to the many attractions that are within the city most of which are family friendly. The Istanbul tour can be both fun and very educative for the little ones who love new things. There are accommodation facilities that are found within this destination that are totally suitable to cater for all sorts of needs that the young ones may have over the holiday.

Holiday in Istanbul with children is one of the best ways that you can be able to enjoy the vast culture and have a great time at the same time. There are so many attractions within the city which includes the bosphorus cruises and prince’s islands. As you will note, most children love activities that are rather interactive and since these are available in plenty, there are many things that you can be able to learn too. Usually at the various accommodation facilities in Istanbul, you will not that there are playgrounds as well as menus that are suitable for the young ones. This topped with kids televisions rooms with children channels keep them occupied over the holiday destination leaving no space for them to be bored.

Activities available for the children

To keep children amused in Istanbul tours, there is a great need to learn of the activities that are available. This will help you make a list of all the places that are most suitable for the purposes of explorations so as to give the little ones a time of their lives. Such areas include:

  • Miniaturk: This is one of the best places to visit with the children. It is actually an open air kind of Miniature Park that has some 105 scale models associated with the original city. There are ottoman and Anatolian structures that are 1/25th of their real size. It is one of the most interesting places for children as they can easily associate with the structures that they see. This with the history of the castles and cities that they can be able to see makes it even easier for them to actually learn more and understand what the past was like. There is also a play ground within this park, a labyrinth as well as a chessboard said to be life sized. Since this is an open air kind of park, when you visit here over summers you should be sure to visit early, it is well accessible since there are hotels that are quite near it that can be used for easy access at all times.
  • Prince’s islands: these are nine quite small islands. They are situated within the Marmara Sea and they are very interesting indeed. Formerly, they were used as a place of exile especially over the Byzantine era and in the present day; they are a popular destination for residents as well as the tourists. You should arrange for a sightseeing venture while in Istanbul to be able to appreciate the area better. It is a suitable place where you can have a quick escape from all the hustle and bustle of the city and get some quite time with the children. It is a very silent area and it is silence that is highly welcomed after spending some time within the city. Actullay, motorized vehicles are not allowed here and the only things that can be heard are the bells of bicycles or the hooves of horses making a clip clop sound. The main transportation mode that is used in this Destination is the horse drawn carriages and you can be sure that the little ones will be able to really enjoy this. Travelling the old city in this mode of transportation is a major thing for the little ones and you should make sure that they do get a chance to enjoy every aspect of it. With so many green parks as well as open spaces, the children can be allowed to play and roam quite freely as the parents take a break.
  • The bosphorus tour: Istanbul is a transcontinental city and as such, a visit to both sides of the destination is highly commendable. There are many guide books that can be accessed when one is planning a holiday in Istanbul and this is one of the recommendations that are made most of the times. Children enjoy boat rides and they hardly forget the experience especially when it is a good one. A boat ride topped with an adventure is most welcome for the children and you may notice they are most enthusiastic about the whole thing. There are shorter cruises that can be taken in bosphorus cruises as well as one cruise. Depending on the nature of your children and their patience, you can be able to choose the kind of cruise which will be more exciting for them and one that is bound to help them appreciate the region better.
  • Play n learn: for the young children, this is a great place that is bound to keep them really occupied over the Istanbul tour. It is a place that is designed for the younger children that are not above six years of age. The atmosphere is very child friendly and there are many activities that can be organized including crafts, art as well as play dough. Puppet shows, tow shows as well as finger plays can also be enjoyed here. The parents are allowed to join in the fun and bond with the little ones or the children can actually be allowed to venture all by themselves. The area is near Taksim square and is an area that is easily accessible from different great hotels within Istanbul.

The above are some of the most interesting activities that you should try to keep your kids engaged in if you want them to have the most rewarding time in this destination. Children are very fast learners and they seldom forget of all the great things that happen even in the early stages of development.

Other things that will keep the children engaged

Even though children are fast learners, sometimes they also get bored quite easily and there is a need to keep them interested for a longer time. Having a range of places to visit as well as things to do over the holiday in Istanbul is the only way in which you can be able to keep them excited throughout the holiday. There are so many attractions as well as activities that are so interesting for the little ones and finding out more about these will actually help you plan some of the most memorable holidays in this part of the world.

There are many parks as well as playgrounds where the children can be occupied in a series of activities. There are also some great shops that are able to deal with Turkish goodies that are best for the children. There are entertainment complexes too that can be used by the little ones obvert a holiday. You should be aware of all the prime spots before taking your children to Istanbul. The best thing is the great bland between the western and the eastern tastes as well as the modern and ancient tastes. Children love different experiences and you can be able to wide their imaginations by exposing them to a variety of things over the tour in the city. Make sure that they are well rested at the end of the day so as to give them fresh the following day for more adventures.

Istanbul guides may actually be used when you want to tour the region extensively. When you are in the company of children, they are the best people to direct you on the areas that are most suitable and the areas that have the most activities for children. Always make sure that you have the interests of the little ones covered. A holiday in this part of the world should never be dull even for the children. If you understand your children, you should be able to make the most out of the time spent in this great city.

Bike tours

One of the ways in which you can be able to tour Istanbul with the children is on bikes. Most children are always excited about bikes. However, for the purposes of a holiday in Istanbul, long distances should not be covered even though the children may find this to be a very interesting way in which they can be able to explore their surroundings. There are many sites that are bound to leave your kids amazed and you should try to avoid cycling within the city where there is a lot of traffic. Safety should always come first where you and the children are concerned.

Bird watching

There is something about creatures that capture the attention of the children. This is why nature and birds may actually be things that may interest the little ones. There are many migratory birds that can be seen in Turkey and Istanbul is a popular spot for the same. You may help your children learn more about the birds over a guided Istanbul tour.

Botanic Park and the Bogazici zoo

Mention the zoo and the kids will go ballistic! It is always a thing of excitement for the children to visit the zoo because of their curious nature. These are some of the best places that you should actually ensure that you cover over the holiday in Istanbul. The zoo is not very far from the city center and it is one of the best places for a day out with the family. There are so many plants and flowers as well as a wide range of animals to enjoy viewing in this place. It is a very thoughtful way to teach the children and help them learn more about the things in the area. There are also many chances of entertainment as well as the best restaurants that can be enjoyed here. At the gift shop, you can be able to get the children some keep sakes that will always remind them of the time spent in Istanbul.

The Feshane children entertainment park

This is actually a playground that was designed for the purposes of fun. There are attractions and rides that are able to suit children of all ages. You may also chose to walk on the local markets and enjoy some of the best shopping experience in your Turkey holiday in Istanbul.

The toy museum

It is a museum that is in a class all by itself. It is a very unique museum that should never be missed when with the children. They will totally love the collection within. It is situated on a four storey building and there are over 2000 toys that lie within. The gift shop can allow you to buy some souvenirs.

With all the great parts of interest in Istanbul, a holiday can never be a dull moment under any circumstances. For the children, there are so many things that can keep them greatly interested regardless of the time when you choose to visit. Keep them excited by picking some of the many activities and designations that they will totally love.

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