The historical area to visit in Istanbul

The Istanbul history is the city with the colonization that dates back into the 7th century BCE. It is most desired because of its strategic location and a Greek King Byzas has named it Byzantium and the settlers in this area where fishermen. In 196, ACE, Septimus Severus, a Roman Emperor took over the city which was war torn and beautified and resorted it. During the year 314 ACE, the city was taken over by Roman Emperor Constantine, called it Constantinople and made it the capital of Roman Empire.

Istanbul is associated with Bosphorus peninsula which is found between Anatolia and Balkans with Mediterranean and Black sea. The city has become the center of major political, artistic and religious events for at least 2,000 years. The masterpieces of the place include the Hippodrome of Constantine which was built in 6th century. Another place is Suleymaniye Mosque and both the monument sare under the threat of population pressure, uncontrolled urbanization and industrial pollution.

When you go for Turkey tours, you will find that the country is outstanding universal value and it resides in the unique integration of the masterpieces of architecture.  It is the place where Europe meets Asia and it has been in place for long. Its skyline reflects the ottoman and Byzantine architects. The skyline of the city has been built for many years and it encompasses the Hagia Sophia saga and it reflects decorative expertise and architectural expertise.


The historic area of Istanbul includes the monuments which are recognized by the unique architectural masterpieces of Ottoman and Byzantine periods like the Hagia Sophia which had been designed by Isidoros of Miletus and Tralles.  

If you are attending turkey guided tours, you have to make sure that you visited many monuments in the city which exert the considerable influence of the development of the architecture and monumental arts. One of such monuments is Theodosius II which had the second line defense added in 447. It was the leading reference for the military defense.

If you go for the Istanbul sightseeing, you will see that the city has unique testimony of Ottoman and Byzantine civilization through many high quality examples of great buildings which are associated with the artwork.  These places include the bath buildings, religious schools, mosque, tombs, monumental cisterns, frescos, mosaics, palaces, churches and fortifications.

The daily Istanbul tours will help you to see many historical areas.  Many area have been able to outstand the universal value of Istanbul since most of its place has been able to escape the major deterioration which has taken place in 19th to 20th. These places are protected under the national legislation. The Zeyrek Quarters with Suleymaniye housing are made with timber and they were considered vulnerable during the time of inscription.

When you go to daily sightseeing tours you have to make sure that you visited the following place. The Hagia Sophia is a former mosque and it is among the places that were building using the Byzantine architecture. It is famous because of a large dome.

Topkapio Palace

The place is the home of the Ottoman sultans who lived in it for more than 400 years. It displays a large collection of treasures and artifacts.

Bosporus Night Cruise:

You can take a romantic ride to Kadikoy from Karakoy to see the twinkling city lights with the fishing boats that floats at the water. The museum of the Ancient orient is the museum that displays the fine works for the art of the ottoman and Hittite Empire. The city include the larger panels that are lined on the streets of Babylon.

Istanbul Archeology museums: you can see the sarcophagi from the Royal Necropolis of Roman Statues and Sidon. It is the Byzantine artifacts’ which is at the main building of the Istanbul archaeology museum complex.

Sultan Mehmet, the Conqueror’ tiled Pavillon: this is the building which is old and nonreligious. It has ceramics and tiles that dates back in the end of 12th century. You can enjoy good natured haggling and look in every corner of the most famous souk where you can find the treasures at The Grand Bazaar.

If you want to enjoy great deals on the clothing within the huge market in Kadikoy, then you have to visit Sali Pazari which is every Tuesday.  

Other places to include into your istanbul package tours are:

Blue Mosque

It is impressive mosque towers and it is in the Istanbul skyline. It is beautiful and it is begging to get your visit. It was built in 17th century by a sultan of 19year old Ahmed 1. The mosque has seven minarets and it is made in series of the ascending domes and marble courtyard.  It is given this name because of the blue tiles which are found on its wall.

Istanbul Archeology Museum is the city which is devoted to the artwork and artefacts which span over many centuries for the regions and the history over the Eastern Europe, Africa and Middle East. It is broken down in three separate museums which are the Enameled Kiosk Museum, Old Eastern Works Museum and Archeology Museum. The collection in the museums includes the ancient tombs, treasures, relief carvings with scriptures which include the oldest love poem which was ever found.

Chora church of St Savior

The church is covered with the Byzantine mosaic with religious frescoes in Chora Church history. The church was first built in the 4th century and its structure dates back in 1000 ACE. It had been converted in the mosque during 16th century. You can visit the church on Thursday or on Tuesday.

To be able to enjoy what the city has to offer, you have to visit Istanbul in the fall or spring. The main language used in the country is Kurdish and Turkish. When you go to the city you can choose the turkey package tours which include the transfer services at Sabiha Gokcen and Ataruk International airport. Many flights use Ataruk airport since it offers the easy access in the Zeytinburnu.


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