
Not really into military these days? Oh yes you will, when you visit Harbiye Military museum! The largest military museum in the world!

The War, from the Turkish point of view

It is an interesting place to commemorate 1,000 years of Turkish military. From documents to the cloths from the world war remnants, you can have a look in every little piece of military historical evidences right in this large exhibition. In 1993, the building was reopened after being renovated. And it holds contemporary design.

Inside Harbiye

The museum is divided into more than 20 sections where each section contains rich historical story. For instance; the weapons from World War 1 that the Ottoman Empire used!

On the east, you can find halls for meetings and exhibitions. Bows and arrows from the 15th century can also be seen in the first floor. You will witness how soldiers used cavalry, daggers and shields. It is an upscale museum with wide collections of military weapons! The museum does provide each visitor with history info regarding what they are seeing. The dioramas explain important events and battles the Turkish used during World War.

Famous objects

Having to keep more than 50 thousands of historical objects, the museum holds important evidences in the past of Turkish battles. For instance, the chain used by Byzantines to keep the Sultan away from Constantinople is exhibited here as well. it is an important treasure that stretch across the famous golden Horn.

Good location, great attraction

The museum is located near Taksim Square and it takes up to 15 minutes walking on Cumhuriyet Street. To go to Taksim square, you can take Metro bus.

To get a unique experience, the museum can give you one amazing experience from its attractions. If you are lucky, you can catch the Mehter Military band playing traditional music in an hour. The schedule is every Wednesday 3 pm.

They perform in the back part of the museum using drums, trumpet, and everything in between! You will be hypnotized how the marching band has in unity while the dress in bright colored uniforms. The music is very exciting to listen to. If you like, you can appreciate the band by purchasing the music in the gift shop.

Interesting fact:                  

Ottoman Empire was the first to utilize marching band for military campaigns. They integrate exciting music using drums and trumpets in the army work. It represents integrity, spirit and the disciplines of the soldiers. You need about two hours to complete the tour including the marching band performance

The museum are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays


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