Blue cruise turkey-The Price factor

There are many variable affecting the price you will have to pay for your blue cruise. Some of these include the treats offered to you, quality of your blue cruise, number of passengers, meals, the month in which you are taking the cruise, and the route of the boat. For example, a daily charge for a group of ten to twelve people will normally range between 700-1000 Euros. This is just estimation for a normally trading day. The prices are very unstable and may go to as high as 4000 Euros in luxurious hotels.

However, it is possible to find some boats that will allow you to bring in your own food and this will lower the cost. Note that July and august are ranked as the most expensive month for a blue cruise turkey, followed by June and September.

Blue cruise turkey hiring agreement

There are normally two distinct hiring agreements. These are given below.

Yacht charter

A crewed yacht charter refers to the hire of a complete yacht with the crew and captain for a specific time. The route of the cruise is normally determined in the hiring agreement between the contracting parties and so is the port of embarking and disembarkation. The charged price does not include the cost of food but will usually cover its preparation and service.

Turkey Cabin charter.

 A crewed charter cabin is the engagement of  the cabin space on the yacht. (double Triple, or just single accommodation) with leader as well as crew for a one period of time; usually for few days or a single week. The route of the cruise is fixed and so are the ports of embarkation and disembarkation. The charter fee is not inclusive of the food its preparation or services. This type of blue cruise charter turkey is normally designed for individuals who wish to make their cruise a unique experience alongside their friends.

The following are the basic guidelines that will apply regardless of the form of hire contract you enter to. Please do not wear shoes on board.

Please use the water sparingly.

• Please always switch off the lights when you are not using them.

Please turn off the air conditioner when you are not using it.

Please do not use the cabin bath towel on shore or on deck

Please rinse off the salt water on your body using the deck showers after swimming in the sea.

Please do not smoke on the cabinet.

Please do not throw anything overboard

Please be careful when the deck is wet

Ensure you maintain constant communication with the crew and particularly the captain as they will need your help in serving you with food, snacks, food, drinks, fees and land excursion.

Please show consideration to others particularly at night by keeping sounds low.

Only flush the natural waste down the toilet put the toilet paper in the bin.

Please do not swim while under the influence of alcohol. Lastly, Please do not go swimming, before the engine stop and the captain has given you the confirmation.

There are some things that you must take into account when selecting a blue cruise turkey. These include the meals that will be served, age, quality, and type of yachts used during the cruise among other factors. These are also the key factors that will determine the price you will pay. Normally, it’s better to pay a little more and make the cruise more fun with a proper yacht.

Try not to take huge bags with you for the blue cruise. They will be a heavy burden to you and they will also take up large space on the boat. Just carry essential things that you will need for your cruise. However, don’t forget to carry ear plugs with you if you will be spending the night in the place the cruise will anchor. This is because many boats will usually anchor at the same place and some of them will be playing out round music. Having your ear plugs will allow you to take a nap. Also, take a flying repellant, skin cream to protect your skin, and a cap to guard you from direct sunlight during the blue cruise turkey.

In case you are thinking of taking the blue cruise with other travelers instead of hiring one exclusively for yourself, choose your fellow travelers well. Make sure that they are the kind of persons that you like and easily get along with. There will be many people in the boat and you cannot control them. The much you can do is to select your companions carefully. Moreover, try not to extend the cruise so much. The ideal duration is normally 3-5 days.

Meals will be served hot on the boat and they are offered as soon as they are cooked. Normally, there will be a waiter, a cook and a captain on board. The water that you will be using on the blue cruise turkey will normally be coming from reservoirs. You will have to throw toilet papers in a bin other than the usual closet. One of the rules on blue cruise turkey is that you should take off your shoes before you get. Don’t be surprised if they ask you to remove yours: It a custom.

The blue cruising season start from early April to almost the end of October. The most preferred and pleasant cruising months are June, May, September and October, when the temperature is conducive on both sea and land.

In most blue cruise turkey, a day or two will normally be spent in the colorful and lively harbors of Bodrum, Gocek, Marmaris, or Fethiye. It all depends on the plan that has been organized. So, look at these before booking the cruise. In addition to these famous ports, you will also get to see many secluded bays, small islands, sunken and mysterious ruins that are yet to be discovered and coves.

The warm water of the Mediterranean is ever tempting. Fortunately, most of the blue cruise turkey will have the necessary equipment for snorkeling just in case you cannot resist the plunge to venture off and take a dive into the world of Aegean and Mediterranean. If you think you will be up to it, I mean swimming in search of fish or just to explore the underwater world below. Bringing an underwater camera with you will be an added advantage.





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