Top Activities In Turkey

There are people who seek for an active vacation. Not all of us want just to lie on the beach and have sunbath. Some of us look for some adventure and excitement on holydays.  You can find so many Turkey package tours which can provide you good summer days.

There are so many activities you can take in Turkey, but first and the simplest thing is hiking. Wherever you go, there will be lots of tracks made just for this purpose. Hiking is healthy and many tracks pass by some interesting place or monument you should see. So whenever you go hiking in Turkey, bring a camera with you.

Another very simple activity you can take in Turkey is biking or mountain biking. If you travel by car you can bring your own bike there or you can rent one there. Renting bike is really affordable and it’s a great way to recreate. There are special tracks ranked by difficulty. You have simple tracks without any rise and you have extremely challenging tracks made for professionals. Many of those tracks are offered by many Turkey tour operators. Also, many of those tracks can be found on the list of all tracks in Turkey used for professional competitions.

Turkey is a land with many rivers suitable for rafting. So it’s not strange that many Turkey tours are actually specialized for rafting. Rafting is a very challenging sport and only the brave ones dare to go rafting. Rafting needs special preparations like having life jackets and choosing the right boat type.  Usually you can choose between 4/6/8/12 boat type. That means you need to have an experienced team with you. You need to have at least a little clue what are you doing, otherwise rafting will become very dangerous sport for you. Rafting will usually take your whole day, because many rafting tours include lunch or some sort of socializing activities.

For all scuba divers Turkey will be particularly interesting. Turkey is a country with very long shores and undersea life varies from place to place. Wherever you go you will find wide range of species, corals etc. The most popular places for scuba diving are Marmaris, Bodrum, Kas, Alanya and Fethiye.  Every place has something specific, unique and different to offer you. You can go see Aladdin’s cave or have a lighthouse dive, see beautiful reefs or World War one wrecks. Scuba diving equipment can be rented or you can bring your own. For persons trying scuba diving for the first time there are many people from lots of different agencies that can help you and be your guide under the sea.

If you are looking for a place where you can surf a lot, Turkey has the right one for you.  Alacati is a place near Izmir with lots of wind days a year. So here you can go windsurfing, wave surfing, kite surfing. Besides having fun and adrenaline rush, you can also see some famous and great places. Many Turkey guided tours include sightseeing, besides different types of surfing. From Alcati you can go and see Troy, for example. This sport is dangerous for the inexperienced one.

Great way to meet Turkey and all of her natural treasures is from air. Paragliding is sport which can be taken just for fun or you can go and have professional paragliding tours in Turkey. So if you have never done something similar, don’t worry. You can start taking lessons and shortly you will begin to paraglide on your own. If you don’t want to have long term paragliding, you can go and ask for a recreational flight. These kinds of flights are performed in tandems. That means that on the sky there will be a paragliding expert (instructor or experienced paraglider) with you. Paragliding sessions need to be booked and usually you need to pay some amount of money in advance.

For the brave ones, beside paragliding there is parasailing. Parasailing is sport that will bring you a lot of excitement and it’s not age restricted which means everyone can take it. All resorts in Turkey can offer you this option, and you can choose how long the session will last or even where it will take you. If paragliding is a great way to meet mountains, parasailing is a great way to meet the sea and experience all its charms.

Another thing that will offer you great bird view of Turkey is hot air ballooning. There are different types of flight offered. First of them is standard flight. When 16-20 people gather, sightseeing may begin. Istanbul sightseeing with hot air balloon is becoming very popular way to get familiar with Istanbul sights.  Regular flight last for about an hour. There are deluxe flights also and they last longer, about hour and a half. There are also private flights for special occasions and it’s on you to choose a route and flight duration (it has to be between one and a half and two hours).

Another interesting thing that can be done in Turkey is jet-skiing. If you don’t want to take any of those Turkey guided tours and go and see places that are familiar in front, you can rent a jet-ski and go and explore Turkish sea on your own. Marmaris is a very popular resort with many companies offering you just jet-ski renting. Jet-skiing is not for amateurs. You need to be familiar with boat construction and handling; otherwise you risk getting serious injuries. Your jet-ski tour must last at least ten minutes and you need to wear protective vests. Another note for you – jet-skiing is not cheap. Renting a boat can be really expensive especially when you want to have a long lasting session.

Turkey seems to be an interesting country during the summer, but it can also be during the winter. There are so many ski resorts in Turkey with untouchable nature and great panorama views. Skiing is sport that can make adrenaline flow through your veins.  There are tracks and instructors for beginners and little more challenging tracks for the experienced ones.

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